"The British Secret Service, working to uncover a large-scale blackmail ring and catch its mastermind 'The Spider,' find themselves at the country residence Feltham Abbey, where a fancy-dress ball is in full swing. In the chaos of celebration, Sir Ralph Feltham is discovered dead and Tony, a bewildered yet curious guest, sets out to make sense of the night's activities as well as the motives of the other benevolent-appearing partygoers. This classic country house mystery, first published in 1933, contrasts the frivolities of the English upper classes with the impact of the First World War"--
Anthony Gilbert ; with an introduction by Martin Edwards.
Published in association with the British Library.
"Death in fancy dress" originally published in 1933. "Horseshoes for luck" and "The cockroach and the tortoise" first published in Detection Medley in 1939.