Bakugo's abduction by the League of Villains was a carefully calculated move designed to draw out the heroes--All Might in particular--and destroy them. Midoriya and his friends set out on a rescue mission that eventually pulls in not only All Might but also several other heroes! The casualties mount, until at last the mastermind of the plot appears--All for One, the only villain powerful enough to take on All Might head-to-head and possibly win!
Rated: T for teen.|||adolescent
story & art, Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook ; touch-up art & lettering, John Hunt ; graphic novel editor, Mike Montesa.
English translation of the Japanese title: Boku no hiro akademia.
Pages read from right to left in the traditional Japanese format.
"First published in Japan in 2014 by Shueisha Inc., Tokyo"--Preliminary page.
Text in English.