From creator Patrick McHale, one of the minds behind "Adventure Time", comes Cartoon Network's first every animated mini-series. It follows the story of two brothers, Greg and Wirt, who find themselves in a strange forest. Along the way, they meet a bluebird named Beatrice who helps them navigate the strange land in the hopes of making their way home.
Rating: TV-PG.|||juvenile
Cartoon Network ; directors, Nate Cash [and four others] ; producer, Pernelle Hayes ; writers, Tom Herpich [and five others].
Special features: Behind Over the garden wall; Original pilot: Tome of the unknown; Alternate title cards; Deleted animatics; Commentaries; Composer's cut.
Voices: Elijah Wood, Collin Dean, Melanie Lynskey.
DVD, region 1, widescreen presentation; Dolby Digital 5.1.
English subtitled for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Over the garden wall
Cash, Nate
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