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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

But why did you stay?

Walker, Mekisha Jane
If it can happen to her, a capable trial attorney, it can happen to anyone. Mekisha Jane Walker’s ground-breaking and thought-provoking memoir has the potential to change the way domestic violence is viewed. Sharing her journey provides a fascinating insight into the confusion and agony women experience at the hands of an abuser, who was once their perfect love. Mekisha’s incorporation of photos, video, audio, and court documents makes you feel as if you were actually there. This book will change lives by helping not only victims but also providing a better understanding of abusive relationships so that parents, siblings, and friends can help the woman on her path to regain control of her life.-William T. Harmon, Former Criminal Court Judge, 34 years Mekisha Jane Walker takes you through her journey; a strong-willed successful attorney by day and a domestic violence victim by night. With her secret revealed, she was faced with the question, “why did you stay?” This is her answer to the question. She is a force to be reckoned with and she has survived to tell her tale. This compelling page-turner is a powerful read that will help eliminate the shame associated with being labeled a victim and that will raise awareness for this dirty secret that so many strong-willed women living with are afraid to talk about. -Jane Waters, Former Domestic Violence Prosecutor and Division Chief with the Harris County DA’s Office, 28 years As a former prosecutor and current criminal trial attorney, Mekisha Jane Walker is a strong, smart, and resourceful woman. She is funny, bold, energetic, engaging, and makes friends wherever she goes. But she hid her shameful secret of domestic abuse and became trapped, unable to break free from the control of her abuser. A secret no more, she now tells her compelling survival story, which provides remarkable insight into the complications of leaving an abuser. This book intimately shows how any woman can experience horrible abuse, and yet overcome it.


Mekisha Jane Walker.
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