The recurring blood feuds between the Bader and the Dorset ended mysteriously a century ago when both races colonized the planet Delta Sigma IV. But, unknown until now, it was a reaction to a naturally occurring gas that led to their harmonious existence...a reaction that would eventually mean certain death for the planet's inhabitants. What the Enterprise crew believed was a cure for the population--a treatment introduced into Delta Sigma IV's environment by Kyle Riker, a man at odds with his son, Commander William Riker--has instead triggered worldwide carnage, as long-suppressed aggression and hostility are suddenly and violently unleashed. Caught in a world on the brink of self-destruction, Captain Picard--a man still waging his own personal battel for redemption in the eyes of his commanding officers--must somehow find a way to resolve this catastrophic event and save his crew, even as the implications of his actions may ultimately doom an entire race....
Robert Greenberger.
"Based on Star trek: the next generation, created by Gene Roddenberry."
A time to hate
Greenberger, Robert
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