Please take time this week to email or call the two Representatives listed below (contact information is included). Specifics about what to include in your email or call are also included. Feel free to share this with other library supporters.
Thanks to all of you who have helped to bring the state funding bill for libraries this far,
Karen Wallace
Director, Fontana Regional Library

The decision to ADD MORE MONEY as “availability” to the Department of Cultural Resources (DCR) budget comes from the TOP. So now we need everyone to call and email Speaker Tim Moore and Representative Nelson Dollar. It’s vital that they hear from us the value and importance of supporting libraries!
We need to be specific in what we are asking for:
1. That $2.5 million in additional monies to be added to the DCR budget as “availability” so it can go to State Aid for Libraries
2. Tell them how the library is making a difference in your community. Share with them all the great things libraries are doing to make North Carolina a better place to live and work. The more personal the message the better. This is the time to share your stories and experiences.
Please ask your Friends, supporters, and patrons to contact them during National Library Week, April 13 - April 17. We want to flood their offices with requests to increase funding for Public Libraries. If for any reason you are unable to contact them, please be sure to pass the request along to those who can.
Speaker Tim Moore
N.C. House of Representatives
16 W. Jones Street, Room 2304
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096

Representative Nelson Dollar
N.C. House of Representatives
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 307B
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

Again, thank you for your help with this initiative!