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Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection

Journal articles, reference reports, proceedings, and dissertations covering current news and topics as well as the trends and history influencing important accounting and tax issues.

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For accounting academics and professionals, access to reliable information is critical for this continuously evolving area of study. ProQuest Accounting, Tax and Banking brings together highly ranked global and scholarly journals with other key resources for locating quick and precise results covering current news and topics, as well as the trends and history influencing important financial issues of the day.

Bringing together two formerly separate products - Accounting & Tax and Banking Information Source – this new collection provides centralized access to top journals, reference reports, proceedings, dissertations and more, including over 1,300 publications, almost 1,000 with full-text, almost 500 with ongoing full text.


  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Banking industry
  • Banks
  • Finance
  • Financial governance
  • Financial institutions
  • Insurance
  • Investment
  • Real estate
  • Risk Management
  • Tax, banking and financial law
  • Tax management

Arts & Humanities Database

This database features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.

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The Arts & Humanities Database provides Full Text access to approximately 500 contemporary specialist arts titles combined with journals from related fields including ethnic studies, women’s studies, sociology, cultural studies, and more.

Titles include both scholarly peer-reviewed journals and selected trade and consumer titles relevant to applied arts and cultural studies, and the subject strengths of the collection are:
  • Art, design, crafts and photography
  • Archeology, anthropology and classical studies
  • Architecture, interior design and urban planning
  • History, philosophy, geography and religion
  • Modern languages and literatures
  • Music, theater, film and cultural studies
The contents reflect the full interdisciplinary scope of contemporary study in the arts and humanities, with the inclusion of selected titles from related fields that are also covered by these indexes, such as ethnic and area studies, politics, economics and women's studies.

Subject Coverage

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Art
  • Classical Studies
  • Cultural Studies

Asian & European Business Collection

This database provides information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. Find information on companies, economies, markets, international trade, and overall business conditions and practices throughout these regions.

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Designed for students and faculty at business schools with a need for specialized information about these important regions and markets, ProQuest Asian and European Business Collection can be used in conjunction with other business information services such as ABI/INFORM for the broadest possible curriculum coverage, but also serves as an excellent stand-alone resource.

ProQuest Asian and European Business provides information on companies, economies, markets, international trade and overall business conditions throughout these regions.


  • Country information
  • Economic conditions
  • News and current awareness
  • People and institutions
  • Policy and analysis
Content Type: Scholarly Journals, Reports, Trade Journals, Magazine, Newspapers, Reports, Working Papers

Biological Science Database

Research on animal behavior, aquatic life and fisheries, biochemistry, ecology, plant science, toxicology, virology, microbiology, health and safety science, entomology, and more.

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The Biological Science Database a full-text database covering comprehensive scholarly output, managed by an expert editorial team overseeing content selection and indexing supported by a controlled vocabulary.

The Biological Science Database provides comprehensive coverage of biological science fields including animal behavior, aquatic life and fisheries, chemoreception, biochemistry, ecology, plant science, toxicology, virology, microbiology, immunology genetics, health and safety science, oncogenes, entomology, and endocrinology neuroscience. The resource also includes access to MEDLINE®, bringing ProQuest’s award-winning search functionality and the ability to cross-search with over 30 subject-specialized abstract and citation databases. This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.

Canadian Newsstream

Over 300 Canadian newspapers from Canada's leading publishers, including the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers, providing full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features.

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Canadian Newsstream provides users with unmatched access to current Canadian news content with archives as far back as the 1970s, from over 360 news sources. Newspapers including The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star along with newswires and broadcast transcripts in full-text format. Canadian Newsstream content is updated daily so researchers always have timely access to new information.

Content Type: Abstract and Index, Full Text, Text+Graphics
