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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

NoveList Plus Popular

A readers’ advisory resource that uses appeal factors and expert reviews to offer read-alike and listen-alike recommendations for fiction, nonfiction, and audiobooks.

Resource Types:

how_to_reg Creating an account
Some resources and databases allow you to create an account on their site to store progress or research information. When creating accounts for library resources & databases, please be sure to select "Fontana Regional Library" if prompted to select a library.
login Logging in with your Library Card
Some resources and databases will require you to login using your library card number and password/PIN. Your library card number is located on the back of your library card. Your password/PIN will be the same password you use to login to your online catalog account. The default password/PIN (if you have not reset or changed it) is usually the last 4 digits of your primary phone number.

Additional Vendor Information and Help


NoveList's expertise in books and reading means that you'll always get the best help for finding just the right books.Hand-crafted recommendations are created by professionals -- NoveList will tell you who wrote a recommendation and why the recommendation makes sense. Appeals factors are a signature feature of NoveList -- and help match readers with their perfect books. Do you like funny, fast-paced mysteries? Or detailed mysteries with a lot of intrigue? The appeal language in NoveList will help you identify books that fit your style.

Features Include:
  • Expert recommendations for fiction and nonfiction 
  • Coverage of book titles for all ages
  • Audiobook recommendations
  • Complete series information
  • Appeal language to describe books
Benefits Include:
  • Popular, professional and reader reviews all in one place
  • Browsing by topic, age, reading (Lexile) level and more
  • Hundreds of reading lists, such as “Top 10” and “Best of”
  • Extensive “How Do I?” tab links to common FAQs
  • Downloadable quick lists of recommended books by topic
  • Common Core Standard documents, articles and other support 
  • Curricular guides by grade or unit