Vocational information on technical topics, such as computing science, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design, and photography.
Alternative Name or Keywords
ProQuest Career & Technical Education Database
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The Career & Technical Education Database is the definitive source for vocational information, offering full text journals, magazines, blogs, and video content. Students and instructors can research virtually any technical topic, including computing science, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design, and photography. The database includes over 790 titles, with more than 700 available in full text.
Agricultural Research,
Computer Technology Review,
Law & Order,
Nutrition and Food Science, and
Printed Circuit Design are just a few of the titles available in the Career & Technical Education Database.
Featuring full-text publications and valuable career resources, the Career & Technical Education Database offers comprehensive trade and industry information to help meet career and job seekers information needs. With the current state of the economy, demand for career advice and vocational information is at an all-time high. This database is a powerful solution to meet this demand.
The Career & Technical Education Database was created to help meet a wide range of demands for industry knowledge, career advice, and tools and resources for landing a job. Patrons often come to the library looking for career guidance, while others would like to learn more about library resources they can use online from their home computers. Many patrons want to look into new career paths to explore. This database has them covered.
Subject Coverage
- Computing Science
- Healthcare
- Building Trades
- Auto Mechanics
- Sales and Retail
- Accounting
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Careers & Vocations
- Trade Industry
- Technical Resources
- Job Search
Content Type: Abstract and index, Full Text, Full Image, Text+Graphics