This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in East European and Central European countries.
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ProQuest East & Central Europe Database
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The East Europe, Central Europe Database features ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Central and Eastern European countries, including: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Ukraine.
It contains over 600 scholarly, current, full-text journals. All journals are published in the region by academic institutions and scholarly publishers. A truly multidisciplinary database, it covers the most important subjects for study and research in the region, published by scholars working in local higher educational institutions.
Subject Coverage
- History
- Politics
- Sociology
- Economy
- Education
- Linguistics & Literature
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Law
- Medical Sciences
- Information Technology
Content Type: Full Text