Clinical and social psychology articles on topics such as genetics, psychology of business and economics, communication, criminology, addiction, neurology, social welfare, and more.
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ProQuest Psychology Database
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Psychology Database is ProQuest’s highly accessible full-text resource for students, teachers, and researchers. Health and social care professionals will also find this database useful and accessible. Psychology Journals combines high impact full text from leading psychology and psychosomatic publications, with diverse sources of content including dissertations and training videos to help new students bridge theory with practice. The database encompasses a wide range of topics from leading psychological and psychosomatic publications. In addition to clinical and social psychology, it also provides coverage of related disciplines including genetics, psychology of business and economics, communication, criminology, addiction, neurology, social welfare, and more.
A number of the titles are heavily cited and have a strong set of Thomson Reuters’ impact factors from the Journal Citation Reports ®. Titles include:
- The American Journal of Psychiatry
- Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
- The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
- Development and Psychopathology
- The Psychological Record
Psychology Database covers over 1,200 publications, including Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, Books, Magazines, Audio & Video Works, and Reports, of which over 800 are full-text Additionally there are over 7,000 full text dissertations adding important aspects to the research landscape:
- Providing in-depth scholarly subject analysis for those practicing or studying a related topic, discipline or field
- Tracking emerging research that isn’t published elsewhere
- Already judged as original and significant contributions by academic peers
Psychology Database allows searching refined by age group:
- Fetus (conception to birth)
- Newborn (birth to 1 month)
- Infant (1-23 months)
- Preschool child (2-5 years)
- Child (6-12 years)
- Adolescent (13-18 years)
- Adult (19-44 years)
- Middle aged (45-64 years)
- Aged (65+ years)
- Aged (80+ years)
Subject Coverage
- Behavioral psychology
- Clinical psychology
- Developmental psychology
- Neurology
- Personality
- Psychobiology
- Psychometrics
- Social psychology
Content Type: Scholarly Journals, Dissertations and Theses, Video and Audio, Books, Conference Papers & Proceedings, Figures, Magazine, Reports, Tables, Trade Journals, Working Papers