Research covering topics in sociology, social work, anthropology, and politics.
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ProQuest Social Science Database
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The Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
The database includes titles such as:
- American Political Science Review
- Journal of Biosocial Science
- Journal of Social Policy
- Aging and Society
- American Anthropologist
- International Journal of Social Economics
- International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Subject Coverage
- Anthropology
- Communication science
- Demography
- Economics
- Education
- Political science
- Policy studies
- Psychology
- Social work
- Sociology
Content Type: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, Magazines, Conference Papers and Proceedings, Government and Official Publications, Newspapers, Other Sources, Reports, Tables, Wire Feeds, Working Papers, Video and Audio