Sociological and social work research including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction, and more.
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ProQuest Sociology Database
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Sociology Database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including relevant titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies. It includes hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, as well as dissertations and other sources.
Sociology Database includes
- 700 scholarly journals
- nearly 4,000 dissertations and theses
- video series from the INTELECOM Sociology Video Collection
- numerous blogs, webcasts, magazines, and trade publications to provide a rounded research experience.
Sociology Database provides full-text support for Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts and Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), covering a wide range of sociological and applied social science literature including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse, addiction, and more.
- Community and mental health services
- Crisis intervention
- The family and social welfare
- Gerontology
- Poverty and homelessness
- Professional issues in social work
- Social services in addiction
- Social work education
- Social work practice
- Violence, abuse, neglect
Content Type: Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, Dissertations & Theses, Conference Papers and Proceedings, Reports, Video and Audio