Smart Phone Assistance for Seniors 50+
October 29th from 1pm-3pm at the Jackson County Department on Aging
100 County Services Park Sylva, NC
The Jackson County Public Library is holding a Smartphone Assistance class on October 29th, from 1-3 PM, at the Jackson County Department on Aging. The class is free, but space is limited, so sign-up is required. Participants in this class must be 50 or older. Participants can sign up either at the Library or at the Department on Aging. To sign-up, or for more information, please call the Library at 586-2016 or the Department on Aging at 586-5494.The class will be led by Library Volunteers Roger and Lisa Bacon, and Library staffer Laura Chapman. This event is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Jackson County Public Library. For more information, please call the library at (828) 586-2016.