There are currently 2 announcements posted affecting service at Macon County Public Library, including 1 region-wide service interruption. Visit the Closings page for more information.
All locations will be closed Monday, January 20th.
Ebooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry.
The HomeGrown Ebooks Collection contains thousands of ebooks from North Carolina publishers, including:
Algonquin Books
CrossRoad Press
UNC Press
Press 53
Gryphon House
John F. Blair
HomeGrown provides unlimited simultaneous user access, which means no holds, no checkout limits, and no wait lists. Classes, book clubs, and even entire communities can read the same ebook at the same time!
HomeGrown ebooks can only be downloaded to a mobile device. Biblioboard, which hosts the HomeGrown collection, has an app on the:
Apple App Store (iOS)
Google Play store (Android)
Amazon app store (Kindle Fire)
When you're using your desktop or laptop computer, you'll will need to go to HomeGrown using your browser to read books online. To download Homegrown books, you must create a free account on this website first before logging into the app.