These classes, like all Fontana Regional Library sponsored technology/computer classes and workshops, are free to the public.
Each class is stand alone, which means you sign up for the ones you want and skip the rest. Classes will be on Tuesday evenings, and some Thursday and Saturday mornings. They will be conducted in the computer lab, and will be approximately one and a half hours in length. Registration is recommended.
For more information, or to sign up for a class, you can visit the Macon County Public Library, call (828)-524-3600, or email class instructor Chris Wilder at cwilder@fontanalib.org. To find other programs and events near you, please visit the Fontana Regional Library Calendar of Events.
Class descriptions
Introduction to Computers
Need to learn how to use a computer? We will teach you about the different parts of the computer, how to use a mouse, computer terminology, and other basics.Beginning Internet
Here is your opportunity to learn the basics of the Internet. Topics covered will include web addresses, navigating a web site, printing from the Internet, and using search engines.Intermediate Internet
A more in depth look at the Internet, including search techniques, different types of searches, using online maps, and more.Facebook and Social Media
This class talks about the various types of social media sites, with a focus on Facebook and Twitter.eBay: Is It For You
Ever think about selling on eBay? This class will talk about the pros and cons of eBay, and covers the basics of what you need to know before starting.Visit Macon County Public Library Computer Classes for a complete schedule of classes for the month of June.