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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

The truth will out

Stærmose, Søren
som göms i snö

Following a mental breakdown, Detective Peter Wendel is tasked with creating an elite team of investigators to crack cold cases. When the police find a note on a dead body that claims Sweden's most notorious serial killer is a fraud, Wendel gets a chance to redeem himself, but only the dregs of the force are available to work the case. Under pressure to mobilize quickly, Wendel is forced to hire two cops who hate each other, plus a forthright woman who isn't even a police officer.

Rating: Not rated; "Contains strong language, nudity, sexual situations, violence, and disturbing images"-- container.|||adult

Yellow Bird, Discovery Networks, Viaplay & Nordisk Film present ; producer, Søren Stærmose ; directors, Kjell-Åke Andersson & Lisa Farzaneh ; writers, Aron Levander & Hans Jörnlind.

Wide screen (2.00:1).

Christopher Wagelin, La Langhammer, Louise Peterhoff, Maria Sundbom, Robert Gustafsson.

Originally broadcast as 8 single episodes of a television program in 2018.

DVD, wide screen (2.00:1); Dolby digital stereo.

Swedish dialogue; English subtitles.
Target Readership: