Makers, bring your works-in-progress as we knit, crochet, embroider, quilt or work with clay or jewelry. Whatever the craft, if it can be done in a library setting, bring it! The goal of this gathering is community and shared knowledge. Beginners are welcome to come learn from our group.
Community Potluck is a chance to enjoy good conversations and good food with your neighbors. We gather at noon each Wednesday. Bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome. We hope you'll join us!
Makers, bring your works-in-progress as we knit, crochet, embroider, quilt or work with clay or jewelry. Whatever the craft, if it can be done in a library setting, bring it! The goal of this gathering is community and shared knowledge. Beginners are welcome to come learn from our group.
Makers, bring your works-in-progress as we knit, crochet, embroider, quilt or work with clay or jewelry. Whatever the craft, if it can be done in a library setting, bring it! The goal of this gathering is community and shared knowledge. Beginners are welcome to come learn from our group.