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July marks Independent Retailer Month, and Fontana Regional Library was happy to celebrate. Libraries in Macon, Jackson, and Swain Counties have many resources for small businesses, from information on how to create a successful business plan to using specialized market research tools. For National Library Week in April of this year, FRL conducted a survey of library users. Under the topic of employment and economy, help for small and independent businesses was the top request.

For owners (or future owners) of local businesses, our branches offer a wide range of materials and services to support business growth. From the library’s website, visitors can stream short videos aimed at entrepreneurs and business owners, find books and video tutorials on business tasks such as managing payroll, or use specialized databases to conduct market research to get an edge on the competition. Each library also has meeting rooms with audio visual equipment for presentations and computers available for public use.

For assistance finding resources to develop your business, visit your local library in Jackson, Macon, or Swain County, or go to