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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.
On February 20th the Jackson County Public Library hosted the 2nd in a series of region-wide broadband information sharing meetings.
Because there are broadband developments happening in our region, the Fontana Regional Library is committed to having semi-annual public meetings that will help all to "stay on the same page.”
Representatives from each of the seven westernmost NC county broadband committees, as well as a representative of the NC Broadband Infrastructure Office, and various internet service providers gave updates and answered questions at the meeting.
Rich Price (Jackson Co., EDC) shared information from the Southwestern Commission's Phase I Broadband survey completed at the end of 2017. For information we invite you to view the recorded event on Facebook.
A set of web pages ( have been created by the FRL connectivity focus team (Charles Diede, Deb Lawley, and John Tyndall) to assist you with research resources and subject information.
Fontana Regional Library appreciates the participation of vendors, providers, and our communities for their efforts and contributions to the cause of affordable broadband for our region. 
Stay tuned! A follow-up event is being planned for the end of August/early September 2018 at a location to be announced.