A premier virtual reference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files, and videos in a wide expanse of subject areas.
Some resources and databases allow you to create an account on their site to store progress or research information. When creating accounts for library resources & databases, please be sure to select "Fontana Regional Library" if prompted to select a library.
login Logging in with your Library Card
Some resources and databases will require you to login using your library card number and password/PIN. Your library card number is located on the back of your library card. Your password/PIN will be the same password you use to login to your online catalog account. The default password/PIN (if you have not reset or changed it) is usually the last 4 digits of your primary phone number.
Additional Vendor Information and Help
Credo Online Reference is a great resource to help you start your research. Topic pages provide a great introduction. The "Mind Map" feature and book browsing features help you expand your research and find related key words.