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Libraries are known as places where you can find the information you need. From materials such as books, videos, and audio to curriculum kits, telescopes, and science kits to photocopiers, computers, and Wi-Fi access, the many patrons who visit our libraries expect excellent service and convenient access to information in its many formats.

Increasingly, our library resources and services extend beyond the walls of our physical locations, particularly into digital spaces. To help us satisfy the expectations and needs of a growing digital citizenry, the State Library of North Carolina awarded Fontana Regional Library a $50,000 LSTA grant that will allow us to work with an expert in library user experience (UX) to restructure and improve our online portal.

Michael Schofield, a front-end developer specializing in UX and design for libraries and co-founder of, will work with library staff to develop the knowledge, skills, evaluation metrics, and workflows necessary to maintain and assess the effectiveness of our digital gateway on an ongoing basis. The skills, framework, and resources gained through this grant will allow the library to respond to rapidly changing digital technologies and resources, making them more accessible to our communities. Our new digital portal is scheduled to go live in Summer 2018.

This project is made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-00-17-0034-17).