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There are currently 3 announcements posted affecting service at Marianna Black Library, Jackson County Public Library, Macon County Public Library and Nantahala Community Library, including 1 region-wide service interruption. Visit the Closings page for more information.
  • All locations will be closed Monday, January 20th.

As of this writing, FRL is anticipating a significant upgrade to the underlying architecture of the shared NC Cardinal catalog. Previously maintained and hosted by Equinox, Inc., the catalog and patron database will be moving to servers hosted by MOBIUS, an arm of the Missouri State Library. The move, which is expected to have caused some minor inconvenience during the week of February 26-March 5, will mean a more stable and robust interface, with fewer slow times and outages. The change will not be particularly noticeable in terms of the look of the catalog, but increased stability and efficiency will represent a significant improvement.