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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.
On October 26th, Asheville based architect, Keith Hargrove, and Marianna Black Library Board Chair, Ellen Snodgrass presented to a series of renderings of a new library to the Swain County Commissioners.  The presentation began with Snodgrass running down a brief history and timeline of the new library project, including new information regarding a reduction in size to save on building costs and ongoing operational costs.  Hargrove then presented several renderings including a topographic look at the site development (patron and staff parking, D.O.T.  right of way  and outdoor reading areas) and birds-eye view of the interior, including a computer lab, expanded youth services spaces (including a teen area), and several tutor and conference rooms for collaborative work. 
After the presentation was completed, Swain County Commissioners, library board members and staff, and members of the community had a public discussion concerning the future of a new library.  Though a financial commitment was not put forward by county commissioners, they agreed to become more involved in the project by appointing a member of the commission as a liaison between the library planning committee and Swain County.
Please stop by the library to see a display of the renderings in the library reading room.